876 Battle of Andernach: The Germans defeat King Charles II "the Bald" of France
1600 San Marino adopts a written constitution, after 1200 years of independence
1652 Battle of the Kentish Knock: Blake's English fleet defeats de Witt's Dutch off Dover
1812 USN cutting out party takes HMS 'Detroit' & 'Caledonia' in the Niagara River
1813 Treaty of Reid: Bavaria abandons its French alliance and joins Austria and Prussia in the German national war against Napoleon
1827 Naval Battle of Navarino: Allies defeat the Ottomans, though they're not at war at the time
1862 Battle of Perryville: Confederate invasion of Kentucky halted
1863 Britain seizes the "Laird Rams" - ironclads illicitly building for the Confederacy
1871 Heatwave in the old Northwest causes disastrous forest fires around Peshtigo, Wisc (c. 1100 die) and in Chicago (c. 250 die), where Mrs. O'Leary's cow gets blamed
1879 War of the Pacific, Battle of Punta Angamos: Chilean squadron defeats the Peruvian ironclad 'Huascar'
1912 Montenegro declares war on Turkey, initiating the First Balkan War
1916 Eighth Battle of the Isonzo begins (to Oct 10)
1916 The German 'U-53' sinks five ships off Nantucket
1917 Leon Trotsky is named the chairman of the Petrograd Soviet
1918 Sgt Alvin York captures "the whole damned German Army"
1940 German troops enter Romania
1941 Germans capture Mariupol, Russia
1942 Guadalcanal: Battle on the Matanikau -- Marines halt a Japanese assault
1952 Chinese offensive in Korea
1990 Israeli police kill 17 Palestinian rioters
1998 Taliban forces from Afghanistan raid Iranian border posts