12 BC Augustus is made Pontifex Maximus
251 Accession of Pope St. Cornelius (251-253), martyr
632 Mohammed delivers his last sermon
845 Abbasid Caliph al-Mu'tasim executes 42 Byzantine officials and noblemen at Amorium for refusing to convert to Islam
961 Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas captures Heraklion, liberating Crete from the Arabs
1204 King Philip II of France captures Chateau Gaillard, on the lower Seine, from the English after a six-month winter siege
1447 Tommaso Parentucelli elected Pope as Nicholas V (1447-1455)
1460 Treaty of Alcacovas: Portugal cedes the Canary Is to Castille
1521 Magellan reaches Guam1645 Battle of Jankau: Swedes defeat the Imperialists
1816 Jews expelled from the Free City of Lubeck, Germany
1822 USS 'Enterprise' captures four pirate ships in the Gulf of Mexico
1831 Edgar Allen Poe is expelled from West Point
1836 Santa Anna's Mexicans storm the Alamo, after a 13-day siege
1861 Confederate Congress calls for 100,000 volunteers - a month before Ft. Sumter
1865 Battle of Natural Bridge, Florida
1913 First Balkan War: The Greeks capture Ioannina from the Turks
1916 Pancho Villa raids Columbus, NM, 17 die
1918 USN collier 'Cyclops' disappears at sea, inspiring many woo-woo theories
1924 British Labour govt cuts military budget
1925 Plebiscite transfers Eupen, Malmédy, & St Vith from Germany to Belgium
1929 Turkey & Bulgaria sign a peace treaty
1933 Poland occupies Danzig
1943 Japanese aircraft raid the Russell Islands.
1943 Solomons: U.S. ships sink two Japanese DDs off Vila.
1944 New Britain: Marines establish a new beachhead at Talasea
1944 USAF begins daylight bombing of Berlin
1945 Chinese 38th Division liberates Lashio
1945 Luzon: 1st Cav Div is relieved by the 43rd Inf Div.
1947 XB-35, 4-engine flying wing propellor bomber, makes its 1st test flight, Muroc, CA
1964 Accession of King Constantine II of Greece (1964-1973), exiled by a rightist junta in 1967, who abolished the monarchy in 1973.
1966 Barry Sadler's "Ballad of the Green Berets" hits #1 (On the charts 13 weeks)
1967 Selective Service System orders induction of Muhammad Ali
1967 Stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva seeks political asylum in US
1970 Explosion at a Weather Underground bomb-making operation in a house in Greenwich Village, 3 terrorists die
1990 SR-71 sets a transcontinental record, 2,404 miles in 1:08:17