338 BC Battle of Chaeronea: Philip of Macedon defeats the principal Greek states [Est]
216 BC Battle of Cannae: Hannibal crushes a Roman Army
47 BC "Veni, Vidi, Vici"; Caesar defeats Pharnaces II of Pontus at Zela
1057 Federick of Lorraine elected Pope as Stephen X [IX] (1057-1058)
1247 HR Emperor Frederick II besieges Parma (lifted Feb 18, 1248)
1492 King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of the Spains order the expulsion of the Jews
1530 Battle of Gavinara: Spanish-Medician forces defeat the Florentines
1554 Battle of Marciano: Spanish-Medician forces defeat the Franco-Sienese near Florence
1740 First public performance of Thompson's & Arne's "Rule, Britannia!"
1770 Battle of the Pruth: Russians defeat the Turks, who lose 20,000
1776 Royal Navy lands 32,000 British & Hessians on Staten I, near New York City
1802 Napoleon Bonaparte declares himself "Consul for Life" of France
1819 First parachute jump in the US, from a balloon
1831 Dutch invade secessionist Belgium (withdraw Aug 12)
1832 Battle of the Bad Axe River: final action of the Black Hawk War, many Indians slain
1865 In the mid-Pacific, CSS 'Shenandoah' learns the Civil War ended four months earlier
1867 Wagon Box Fight: c. 30 army woodcutters defeat c. 1000 Sioux
1870 Battle of Saarbrucken: French troops capture Saarbrucken - the only victory of Napoleon III's Imperial Army in the Franco-Prussian War
1887 Rowell Hodge receives a patent for barbed wire
1903 Macedonians began an unsuccessful uprising against the Turks
1904 British capture Lhasa, Tibet
1911 President/Dictator of Haiti François C. Antoine Simon (1908-1911) flees in a US warship
1914 Russian troops invade Eastern Prussia
1914 Germany occupies Luxembourg, without a declaration of war.
1917 First deck landing on an underway warship: CDR E. H. Dunning, RNAS, in a Sopwith Pup aboard HMS 'Furious' at Scapa Flow
1928 Mussolini signs a peace treaty with Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1931 Albert Einstein urges scientists to refuse military work
1934 German Armed Forces swear a "Holy Oath" to the unholy Adolf Hitler
1941 Jews are expelled from Hungarian Ruthenia
1943 Blackett Str: JFK's 'PT-109' rammed & sunk by HIJMS 'Amagiri'.
1943 New Georgia: 27th RCT arrives to reinforce U.S. troops.
1943 Riot at Treblinka Concentration Camp
1944 Burma: Chinese troops heavily engaged at Teng-Chung.
1944 Turkey breaks diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany
1945 B-29s drop 6,600 tons of bombs on five Japanese cities.
1950 The 1st Marine Provisional Bde lands at Pusan
1964 Gulf of Tonkin: North Vietnamese patrol boats attack USS Maddox, escorting CIA gun runners
1990 Iraq invades & occupies Kuwait, initiating the First Gulf War, "Desert Shield/Desert Storm"
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