1118 Count Baldwin of Edessa becomes King Baldwin II of Jerusalem (1118-1131)
1194 King Richard Lionheart first meets Robin Hood, in Sherwood Forest [Trad]
1283 Giacomo Savelli is elected Pope as Honorius IV (1283-1287)
1416 Alfonso V succeeds to the throne of Aragon and Sicily (1416-1458)
1513 Juan Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain
1550 Jews are expelled from Genoa
1781 US Frigate 'Alliance 'captures British privateers 'Mars' and 'Minerva'
1794 The French Committee of Public Safety authorizes the activation of the "1ere Compagnie d'Aérostiers", a balloon unit -- the first "air force" in history
1801 Nelson "Copenhagens" the Danish Fleet
1827 Construction of the first U.S. Naval Hospital begins, Portsmouth, Va
1863 Richmond Bread Riot: Jeff Davis threatens to fire on women & children
1865 Battles of Petersburg/Ft Gregg/Sutherland's Station, Va: Robert E. Lee is forced to evacuate Richmond
1865 US Maj Gen James H Wilson's cavalry captures Selma
1912 Sun Yat Sen forms the Kuomintang Party
1915 Battle of the Wazzir: Good Friday riot by ANZAC troops in Cairo's Red Light District
1916 German Zeppelins bomb a distillery in Rosyth, causing a flood of fine whiskey
1917 Pres Wilson asks Congress to declare war against Germany
1941 Nazi occupiers disband the Dutch Boy Scouts
1942 Burma: the British abandon Prome.
1942 USS 'Hornet' (CV-7) sails from San Francisco, carrying 16 Army B-25Bs
1942 Singapore: Japanese 18th Div sails for Rangoon.
1942 US bombers from India attack Japanese shipping in the Andaman Islands.
1943 Italian blockade runner 'Orseolo' reaches Bordeaux from Kobe
1944 US Fifth Air Force raids Hansa Bay, New Guinea.
1944 Merrill's Marauders heavily engaged at Nhpum Ga, Burma
1964 President Goulart of Brazil replaced by Castello Branco in a coup
1972 Israeli PM Menachem Begin visits Pres Sadat of Egypt
1982 Argentina invades the Falkland Is, initiating a 72-day losing war with Britain
1986 TWA Flight 840 bombed on approach to Athens airport; four passengers (all of them American), including an infant, are killed.
2012 Mass shooting at Oikos University, Oakland, California, 7 die