350 Deposition of Western Roman Emperor Constans I (337-350) in favor of Flavius Magnentius (350-353)
474 Leo II, c. 6 years old, succeeds Leo I, his maternal grandfather, as Byzantine Emperor (Jan 18-Nov 17, 474)
532 Suppression of the Nika Riots in Constantinople: In five days 30,000 have died
1486 King Henry VII of England marries Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV
1503 Last meeting between Niccolo Machiavelli & Cesare Borgia, who have been in daily contact since October 7, 1502
1520 The Battle of Lake Asunde: Christian II of Denmark & Norway defeats the Swedes
1567 Battle of Watrelots: Dutch Revolt against Spain begins
1591 King Naresuan of Siam kills Crown Prince Minchit Sra of Burma in single combat
1671 English pirate Henry Morgan sacks Panama
1701 Elector Frederick I is proclaimed "King in Prussia" (1701-1713).
1795 French Army enters Amsterdam unopposed
1817 Jose de San Martin's revolutionary army begins an epic crossing of the Andes from Argentina to Chile
1826 The British capture the Mahratta city of Bhurtope after a two-month siege
1850 British blockade Piraeus, Greece, to enforce mercantile claims
1857 Battle of Bushire, Persia: British Indian cavalry breaks Persian squares
1871 King Wilhelm I of Prussia is proclaimed German Emperor (1871-1888), at Versailles [see 1919]
1911 First airplane landing on a ship: Eugene Ely in a Curtiss Flyer on USS 'Pennsylvania' (ACR-4)
1913 First Balkan War - Battle of Lemnos: The Greek fleet defeats an Ottoman squadron attempting to break the blockade of the Dardanelles [Jan 5, OS]
1915 The U.S. Revenue Marine is renamed the U.S. Coast Guard
1919 Versailles Peace Conference begins [see 1871]
1942 British troops in Malaya heavily engaged on the Muar River Line.
1943 Aleutians: U.S. surface force bombards Japanese held Attu.
1943 Papua: Sanananda falls to Allies, who press the Japanese westwards.
1943 US bans sale of sliced bread, to save metal parts in slicing machines
1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising begins
1944 New Guinea: the US reinforces the Saidor beachhead
1945 Peleliu: Japanese stragglers raid U.S. ammo dumps and airbase
1957 Three B-52s complete round-the-world flight in 45 hrs & 19 mins; one man did it backward
1960 US & Japan sign a joint defense treaty
1991 Iraq launches SCUD missiles against Israel