1387 Battle of Castagnaro: Paduans under Giovanni Acuto (John Hawkwood) defeat the Veronese
1405 Battle of Grosmont: Prince Henry [V] defeats Welch under Rhys Gethin
1502 Coronation of Shah Ismail I of Persia
1513 Giovanni de'Medici, son of "Il Magnifico", is elected Pope as Leo X (1513-1521)
1649 Peace of Rueil: ends the Fronde uprising in France (1648-1653).
1669 Eruption of Mt. Etna kills c. 15,000
1795 Battle of Kurdla, India: Mahrattas defeat the Moghuls
1810 Proxy wedding of Napoleon and Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria
1848 The "Five Days of Milan" begin: popular uprising ousts the Austrians from the city
1861 The Confederate convention in Montgomery adopts a "permanent" constitution
1862 Lincoln appoints Henry Halleck general-in-chief, limiting George B. McClellan's command to the Army of the Potomac
1865 Sherman occupies Fayetteville, NC
1917 Maude's Anglo-Allied forces capture Baghdad
1918 Bolsheviks move the capital of Russia to Moscow
1941 FDR signs the Lend-Lease Act
1942 Bataan: MacArthur leaves for Mindanao on a PT-Boat
1942 Northern Sumatra: Japanese troops begin landing
1942 Paris: First deportation train leaves for Auschwitz
1943 American Volunteer Group ("Flying Tigers") renamed Fourteenth Air Force
1943 Nazi occupiers form a quisling militia in the Netherlands
1945 Essen: 1,000 Allied bombers drop over 4,000 tons of bombs
1945 Kamikaze hit USS 'Randolph' (CV 15) at Ulithi Atoll, heavy casualties
1948 Jerusalem: Offices of the Jewish Agency are bombed
1958 Mars Bluff, SC: A B-47E accidentally drops a Mk 6 30-kiloton atomic bomb
1978 Palestinian terrorists ambush cars on an Israeli highway, 78 die
1985 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR (1985-1991)
1990 Lithuania declares independence from the USSR
2004 Islamist bombings in Madrid, 191 die, c. 1,600 wounded