280 BC Triumph of Tiberius Cornucanius for the defeat of the Etruscans
266 BC Triumph of D. Iunius Pera for the defeat of the Calabrians
1411 First Peace of Thorn: The Teutonic Knights cede lands to Poland
1539 Treaty of Toledo: Francis I of France once again promises to let Charles V of the HRE & Spain have Italy, as they conclude an alliance against England
1587 Establishment of the Roanoke Colony
1742 Austro-Sardinian alliance concluded
1789 Vietnamese rebels expel Chinese troops from their capital, Thang Long
1793 Revolutionary France declared war on Britain & the Netherlands
1799 Battle of Assuan: French defeat the Mamlukes
1800 USS 'Constellation' takes the French 'Vengence' in a five-hour night battle
1810 Seville surrenders to the French
1814 Battle of La Rothiere: Napoleon defeats the Prussians
1861 Texas becomes the seventh state to secede
1862 Julia Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of Republic" is published
1864 Austria and Prussia invade Denmark: 2nd Schleswig-Holstein War begins (Feb1-Oct 30, 1864)
1864 U.S. Grant initiates the Yazoo River Operation (to Feb 8th)
1865 Sherman begins marching through South Carolina
1918 Russia adopts the Gregorian calendar, so the date becomes Feb 14
1923 Allied ultimatum on the Lithuanian occupation of Memel
1923 Mussolini forms the "Fascist Voluntary Militia"
1942 'Enterprise' (CV-6) & 'Yorktown' (CV-5) raid Japanese bases in Gilbert and Marshall Is.
1943 Germans appoint Vidkun Quisling premier of a quisling government of Norway
1943 Guadalcanal: Marines land on the west coast as the CAM Div captures Cape Tassafaronga, to find the Japanese gone
1943 Guadalcanal: Japanese DDs on evacuation duty evade the U.S. a/c and PTs to complete their mission
1943 Marshal Paulus surrenders the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad
1943 A "quisling" cabinet is formed in Belgium
1944 Japanese learn Australia has formed a war crimes commission.
1944 US Landings in the Marshall Is.: Marines on Roi-Namur, Army on Kwajalein
1945 Japanese take Kukong, last Chinese stronghold on the Hankow rail line.
1946 Norwegian Trygve Lie is elected the first Secretary-General of the UN (1946-1952)
1951 Alfred Krupp & 28 other German war criminals are freed
1958 Army rocket launches Explorer I, 1st US satellite
1958 Egypt & Syria announce plans to merge as the United Arab Republic
1960 Rightist coup in Algeria
1961 Minuteman ICBM is successful in its first full-scale test
1965 Martin Luther King Jr & 700 others arrested in Selma
1968 Saigon: Nguyen Ngoc Loan summarily executes a Viet Cong murderer
1968 The Canadian Forces are formed, through the merger of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, an "experiment" that is ended in 2011
1976 Indicted child molester Roman Polanski jumps bail and flees the US
1981 France sells 60 Mirage fighters to Iraq
2003 Space Shuttle 'Columbia' disintegrates over Texas during re-entry, seven die