A week or so until Xmas and I wish all was quiet in the house. However much is to be done in the store before the Xmas Stockings can finally go up for the big guy...

Over the next week, I will be processing a few hundred of these fascinating British WWII Magazines titled 'Picture Post'. They are likened to the UK's equivalent of Life magazine and depict a social history of British life as it lived with the pressure of the Second World War both home and abroad. When you open the pages up, one views the stoicism of the British people reflected in the photojournalism in that their life will go on the way they want it to regardless of what the enemy throws at them. A notion that has been repeated across many a nation facing difficult moments, especially in our current times. I always think back to my Grandmother who shared many a story of living with the Blitz and can sense the depth of that reality of the story she would share as I flick through the pages of the Picture Post.

Speaking about a reality we are placing some more Military Journals and Books onto the shelves with some excellent reference material for the Military Historians out there. There a quite a number of books from WWII but look for some more modern accounts from the more recent War on Terror.
Last week we finished up placing a stack of Australian Newspapers comprising of very Fragile Broadsheets from the Boer War to Juicy Tabloids covering the Vietnam War. These are excellent sources and provide a lexicon of the age around what was fed to the people from news involving Australian Soldiers fighting afar. We are slowly building up our catalog of 1/6 Scale Models and accessories so look for more to come from that collection.
Recently we have also created Tally Ho Chap Store Gift Cards for you to quietly nudge-nudge, wink-wink the Santa in your life. These are located here
Each week we are adding more War Stories to The War Room. These are often current news from around the world that have a connection to Military History. We do welcome your contribution as members to share the content that you have discovered or experiences shared from other Chaps.
Before we sign off for this week, please don't forget the 15% Cracker Xmas Sale. There are only a few days left and we would hate for you to miss out on some excellent Xmas Specials. Just enter the word 'Cracker' in the Special Promo section at checkout to claim your 15% discount.
Cheerio Chaps and have a Merry Christmas...